~ About Me ~

Life and Sober Coach in Northumberland

I specialise in guiding individuals through the complexities of significant life changes. These pivotal moments often catch us off guard, leaving us ill-equipped to cope effectively. The resulting emotional strain can manifest as anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, and even addictive behaviours.

I have the expertise to offer you the essential support and coping strategies should you find yourself facing these challenges.

What is Coaching?

Education & Credentials

ICF & Association for Coaches Accredited Diploma in Positivity Coaching

I have completed a diploma which is dually accredited by the ICF and Association for Coaches, in Positive Psychology Coaching. Alongside this I have completed a sober coaching course to help people who wish to change their relationship with alcohol for whatever reason.

I have spent 30 years working in the dentistry sector mostly as a practicing Dental Hygienist. This has given me much insight into the anxiety that can be associated with visiting the dentist along with gaining good listening skills. I have a Diploma in Dental Hygiene.


I can help you identify your goals, remove your limiting beliefs and become the best version of yourself.


Reach your potential and achieve real results using your unique abilities and attributes. Step by step I can help show you how.


We can work together to empower you to take control of your life.


I am dedicated to helping you transform your life.


Become fit, sleep well, feel calm transform your career and relationships. Whatever your vision, everything is possible.

“My mission is to help people develop confidence in their daily life and guide them to a happier life”
Alex Brown

Get in touch today for a complimentary consultation