What clients say


When I was originally thinking about getting a life coach, I had no idea what to expect. I felt like I had become mentally stuck. Alex made me feel extremely comfortable & at ease. She allowed me to feel as though I could fully trust and open up to her about what I was needing to change in my life.

Her guidance, support and honesty have helped me not only navigate some tricky life transitions but also to feel like I am not alone in the process.

She has brought a wealth of resources and practical tools to help me set goals, identify my values, whilst exploring avenues of change and future direction.

Alex is an inspirational coach and person in general with a wealth of experience and authenticity.

Jayne - Manchester

I first came across Alex after quite a stressful life event that rocked my foundation quite a lot. I had initially considered and found a counselor to try to work through things but once I spoke to Alex, realized that she would be able and was capable to steer me back on my life’s track.

She is friendly and puts you at ease but also very professional and motivating to be around. She’s very adept in her skills and manner at bringing out the best in you, by you, for you and my experience of being coached by her was a very valuable one



"Alex is a wonderful life coach. I hadn't done life coaching before but was at a point in my career where I was doubting myself and my confidence (struggling with imposter syndrome) which was preventing me from achieving my potential for a promotion.

"Within the first session, Alex gave me tools and tips and got me to map out what I needed to do to change my attitude. It was a quick development and my confidence grew at each session.

"My confidence is significantly higher and it's had a profound effect on my life and career. I can't recommend Alex highly enough! When I need future life coaching Alex will be my first call."


"Alex has been a great source of support and inspiration to me as a coach.

"I wasn't sure what to expect from coaching and was both surprised and challenged by the process. The Intention of my coaching sessions was about finding a new job; yet as the sessions progressed it became about more than this and coaching enabled me to make shifts in other areas of my life at the same time.

"Alex's ability to move me forwards and encourage me to take steps towards new thinking and habits was really helpful. She supported me to notice and celebrate the skills and qualities I have . She attuned to who I was and showed me that there are a number of opportunities available that I can take to change how things are.

"I found Alex to be warm and sincere; a conscious listener who provided a step by step approach to building new habits and taking steps towards reaching new goals.

"I would highly recommend Alex as a coach."


"I managed to complete a sober September with the help of Alex. It was actually nearly 6 weeks in total with no alcohol.

"I’ve never gone any length of time without any alcohol. Perhaps 2/3 weeks at the most. I’ve often thought about having a break from it but I always ended up caving when trying to do longer. "I’m not an alcoholic but a binge drinker. I’d go sometimes all week without a drink and then it would get to Friday and I couldn’t wait to get drunk and unwind!

"However there comes a point when the tiredness never seems to go away due to how much alcohol was consumed and then I started to realise how much time I was wasting either drunk chatting rubbish or being hungover. I was sick of it all I was getting angry with myself.

"I’ve often thought about doing a sober spell and giving it a go but when I did I could never do long enough to see a difference.

"Alex really helped me overcome this - I was totally accountable to her and I would have regular coaching sessions and also she would message me especially on a Friday (my trigger day) the coaching really helped because it reiterated why I wanted to have a sober break in the first place. This really helped me remember why I was doing it. Alex looked at all aspects of my life with me and helped me break down what was working and what wasn’t. It was really helpful to get this insight, as in the past I talked myself out of being sober and end up caving but what I realised during the coaching with Alex, is that all my excuses to drink were actually a load of rubbish!

"I was so much more productive and a lot less tired when I wasn’t drinking. I have now started drinking occasionally again and I can see how drinking affects a lot more than I thought.

"When I was completely abstinent, mentally I felt much fresher, physically stronger and I wasn’t nearly as tired. I was more organised in general and found myself spending more time with friends and family.

"I think anyone can benefit from doing at least month off - even if you do return to drinking, because once you realise how bad drinking actually makes you feel - the more likely you are to stop again! I found it easier, as time when on but the first 2/3 weeks were hard but Alex helped me to build different habits so I wasn’t bored thinking about a drink, she helped me put a plan in place. I couldn’t have done the sober spell without Alex, as I know I would have just filled my head full of excuses again to have a drink. It was so worth doing!"


"Initially I contacted Alex to help me control my drinking and to coach me through an alcohol free October. After the first coaching session I was seriously considering sobriety as a new improved way of life. Alcohol was getting in the way of me enjoying a healthy and productive life. Alex has a fabulous approach to convincing you that there are no advantages to drinking alcohol, but there are many advantages to not drinking alcohol.

"Alex is able to give useful advice from her own experiences with drinking, delivered with humour and funny stories. She makes you challenge yourself to establish what you really want from life, by examining exactly what you gain from drinking and how much more joy you can gain by being sober.

"I really resonated with the productive years of life approach, why not change your lifestyle for the better in the second half of your life and enjoy a much healthier, joyous and more fruitful way of life.

"The way Alex explained things and coached me made perfect sense and from the first session I felt like the penny had finally dropped.

"I cannot thank Alex enough for her advice, coaching and humorous approach to dealing with alcohol addiction and making you see that you can enjoy a much more fruitful and productive life without the poison, which is alcohol."


"After my 1st Zoom meeting with Alex I came away feeling positive, happy and excited to start working on the new me. I've battled for years with over eating especially sweet food I find myself in a vicious cycle of craving it eating it then feeling rubbish physically and mentally. Alex really made me think differently about my habits and why I'm doing it and how to think differently towards what I'm eating. I've just returned from holiday and I'm feeling ready to get back on track."


"If you are looking for a life coach then I would highly recommend Alex.

"Alex's calm approach and friendly manner puts you at complete ease. Alex has helped me overcome some significant issues. She has enabled me to regain clarity, remain focused and get through my first year of my degree as well as completing a diploma. There were times when I felt so overwhelmed and didn't believe I could do it, but I have.

"Thank you Alex"